Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Automated Hospital Billing Services Can Save Money

It seems like every month people hear about a few hospitals being forced to close or cut back services because of losses. Part of that can be related to the fact that they have to treat every patient that comes through the door, regardless of ability to pay. Some of it might be the low reimbursement rates from the government for Medicare and Medicaid patients. Regardless of the reasons, every hospital desires to cut costs and save money without affecting patient care. Using automated physician billing services can really make a difference in the bottom line.

Even just a few years ago, most hospitals employed a physician as an employee of the hospital. In the last decade or so many have gradually shifted to an independent contractor model to save costs. When the physician is an employee, the hospital must carry some of the burden for malpractice insurance not only for themselves, but for employees as well. Shifting doctors to independent contractors frees a lot of these costs from the hospital to the doctor. Many doctors like this as well, as they can negotiate their rates for services rather than be paid a fixed fee. They are also free to associate with multiple hospitals, which gives them the possibility for many more patient visits.

None of this would be possible without automated accounting systems. Hospitals must now track both doctors and patients, pay doctors for their services, and additionally collect money from both patients' doctors when necessary. Most physicians utilize finance software as well to track what they are owed by both the hospital and the patient. The usage of hospital billing has skyrocketed in recent years because it really keeps everyone on top of payables and receivables that are due.

The main benefit of all of this is to reduce costs and increase revenue for all parties. Where a few years ago someone might be able to slip through the cracks and not pay the bill to a physician or a hospital, automated hospital billing services make that a virtual impossibility now. The software automatically ages accounts with a due balance to 30, 60 and 90 days due. It makes it easy to see which accounts are likely not to pay and then send them to collections in a timely manner which decreases losses.

The efficiency of the modern services makes a difference as well. Some patients may see 5 or 6 doctors in a single hospital stay, and interact with at least as many different departments. Modern accounting services are able to cross reference every interaction a patient or a physician has and dramatically reduce billing errors such as under-billing or double billing for the same service. This results in fewer hours wasted trying to resolve problems, and more time spent running a hospital.

Jasmine have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for cubicle curtain and great passion and knowledge for hospital curtains and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here cubecare.com

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Choose the Best Hospital in Your Area

The best hospital means the best facilities: Often the hospital visit is not a planned; it comes when you got some health problem. First ask your friends, relatives, and search over the internet thus you will get a master list of hospital, clinics and doctors now compare among these. What problem you have, this is general health problem or some surgical problem like for heart bypass surgery. If you need heart bypass surgery, you should more aware with hospital's facilities like for equipment used in surgery, charges, and about the surgeons as this is very critical surgery and a specialist surgeon and best equipment can do this successfully..

Now the other remaining most important things are;

• Your health insurance

• About the doctor

• Hospital's record

Your health insurance

If you cover a health insurance, first at all you should confirm your health insurance company, call its customer care and tell him about your surgery, hospital and selected doctor. Suppose your health insurance company does not offer that hospital, then they will tell you offered hospital, you can choose one of them, you can check the availability of your selected surgeon in offered hospitals. This all depends upon your desired, what come first for you; surgeon, hospitals or health insurance.

About the doctor

Doctor play an most important role in your treatment so you should knowledge about doctor's speciation, practice experience and its track record, how many surgeries he did and how many are successes among them. You can ask the before treated patient, call them and ask how was their experience while treatment. In this way you will get a best doctor.

Hospital's Track record

Now a days, Health department cover the "hospital's report card". This report card covers the successes surgery, infection rates, and surgical errors. This report card states the key of safety of hospital. So contact the health department in your state and collect the soft copy of report card. Review the each hospital in your list thus you will know, it's worthy or not.

You may need call the hospital, ask the before treated patient there or even visit the hospital, look its cleaning, contact the admitted patient there and share them experience.

You may need to confirm the selected doctor's availability in hospital, how many visit per day during your stay in hospitals. Sometimes hospital replaces the doctor meanwhile your treatment so you may need to confirm about this, Will this happens with you or not?

Bash have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for cubicle curtain and great passion and knowledge for hospital curtains and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here cubecare.com